
Online Jamming and Concert Technology

Politecnico di Torino

PhD Course, January, 2020

worldwide course

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Today's vast amount of streaming and video conferencing on the Internet lacks one aspect of musical fun and that's what this course is about: high-quality, near-synchronous musical collaboration. Under the right conditions, the Internet can be used for ultra-low-latency, uncompressed sound transmission. The course teaches open-source (free) techniques for setting up city-to-city studio-to-studio audio links. Distributed rehearsing, production and split ensemble concerts are the goal. Setting up such links and debugging them requires knowledge of network protocols, network audio issues, mics, monitors and some ear training.

The one-week course has two streams: 5 in-class lectures combined with 5 hands-on online sections for learning and practicing the basics. Toward the end of the week, the focus is on projects and advanced topics. The initial online course materials cover fundamentals and getting started. Daily in-class meetings will provide tips on software installation, testing and assigned readings. We'll survey the history of the field and move on to discussions of emerging low-latency collaboration technologies involving video, GPS-sync and audio prediction. Recent doctoral dissertations will be presented. End-of-course culminating projects chosen by students can be live performances with remote partners, recorded work or technical contributions for online collaboration.


some coding skill at an introductory level, musical instrument or vocals

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13 Jan (lecture 1) / (online module 1)

(lecture 1):

Course overview, fiber laces the planet, live test with Seoul National University, IPS's like the idea of jamming online


C. Rottondi, C. Chafe, C. Allochio, A. Sarti "An Overview on Networked Music Performance Technologies" IEEE Access 4 (2017) 8823–8843

Telematic Music: Six Perspectives Leonardo Music J., 19 (2009) 95–96

(online module 1):

Overview: Online Jamming and Concert Technology

(click below) to open
An Overview on Networked Music Performance Technologies

(click below) to open Telematic Music: Six Perspectives

14 Jan (lecture 2) / (online module 2)

(lecture 2):

Naithan Bosse composition, Through a Window

"Nemasys" network emulator for testing audio "on the bench" under different network conditions (artificial impairments)


Caceres, J.-P. and Chafe, C. . "Jacktrip: Under the hood of an engine for network audio." J. New Music Res. 39 (2010) 183–187. doi:10.1080/09298215.2010.481361

C. Chafe, J-P. Caceres, M. Gurevich, "Effect of temporal separation on synchronization in rhythmic performance" Perception 39(7) (2010) 982–992

(online module 2):

Basics And Setup: Network protocols, audio signals + soundcards and network audio

(click below) to open
Jacktrip: Under the hood of an engine for network audio

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Effect of temporal separation on synchronization in rhythmic performance

15 Jan (lecture 3) / (online module 3)

(lecture 3):

Local connections betwen Polito rooms

Critique of historical recordings


J-P. Caceres, C. Chafe, "JackTrip/SoundWIRE Meets Server Farm" Computer Music J. 34(3) (2010) 29–34

(online module 3):

Jacktrip Application + Connection: Things that go wrong with Jacktrip: Network & Audio. P2P Sessions and Multi-site setups

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JackTrip/SoundWIRE Meets Server Farm

16 Jan (lecture 4) / (online modules 4 & 5)

(lecture 4):

Multi-studio connections including multi-studio group improv

Sarah Weaver composition, Universal Synchrony Music


Chafe, C. "I am Streaming in a Room" Frontiers in Digital Musicology. (2018)

Chafe, C. "Jacktrip on Raspberry Pi" (2019)

(online modules 4 & 5):

Debugging: Debug examples of typical problems

Future: Polish And Practice: Polish techniques and spawn more online practice sessions

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I am Streaming in a Room

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Jacktrip on Raspberry Pi

17 Jan (lecture 5) / (online module 6)

(lecture 5):

Highlights of 2019 NowNetArts Conference

Project proposals, presentation of recent research topics, recent PhD dissertations

(online module 6):

Future: Future of the art and practice of network audio, alternative platforms for network audio