BeatJ (BJ)

BeatJ (BJ) is a music discovery tool and DJ-ing software. Only the beat matters.


Remember that one time you sat at home and really wanted to listen to that song? You know, the one that went like "bam bada dam bam dam," but you couldn't for the life of yours remember the name of it? At home, that sucks. When DJing, it's a disaster. Not a problem with BJ. Just hit your shift key as hard as you can to the beat and BeatJ will cue up your lost favorite (or something in your library that sounds just like it).


Mac OS binary coming soon.


Download here. Compile using Xcode.


[shift]: Beat input
[click]: Start playing song
      q: Quit
      z: Clear input
      x: Search for beats
    1-3: Select song
      s: Beat jump: 8 bars


Signature Distance

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