Calvin Laughlin | CS470 Winter 2024
There have been numerous studies that have shown why children like to be thrown up and down. Researchers propose that it is because their bodies need "input from the outer world" to grow their minds. I propose that computers are no different. If we want to enter a new age of machine learning, then we must raise computers like children.
weeeeekinator codeMonitoring tabs (and, by proxy, stress) and adjusting the tempo of William Tell Overture accordingly. More tabs, more Tell. More tabs. More. More.
Screen recording => OSC => Wekinator => OSC => Chuck
Or, how to turn a peaceful game into a nightmare using voice and faceOSC. Slam to jump, shh! to right click, bruh to left click, and bob face to go forwards / backwards.
FaceOSC => OSC => Chuck => OSC => Wekinator => OSC => Python
In the process of attempting this project, I slowly came to realize just how endless the possibilities are for technology to ever so slightly improve our lives. I had started to begin spiraling into a doomcasting scenario with technology, believing that AI and everything generative was going to slowly start engulfing our world and our internet. But while that still may be possible, this assignment has made me see another side of the future that is equally as possible, and that is what I like to call a “goofy future.” It’s easy to think that we may be approaching a Terminator or Blade Runner society, but now I’m hopeful that we’re going more for a Star Trek, or even more ideally, a Futurama. In the Futurama scenario, there are super-intelligent robots, but they end up being more or less just like us: flawed, disrespectful, and irresponsible. And that’s a future I’d like to live in, one with more absurdity, more lore, more jokes, and overall, more human. Because that’s all technology should do, at the end of the day: make us more human, not less. So while it is true that it is human nature to want to destroy itself, it is also human nature to want to make a joke out of everything. So as we go into the future, even if we do end up going towards one of the two non-ideal scenarios, the least we could do is have a few laughs along the way with our robot companions.