// @title Player.ck // @author Hongchan Choi (hongchan@ccrma) // @desc An utility class for sonification of time series data. // based on Chris Chafe's implementation. // @note The example below requires "DataReader" class to be declared // in VM. // @version chuck- // @revision 2 // name:: EnvGen // desc:: envelope generator class EnvGen { 200.0 => float _rampTime; Step _s => Envelope _e => blackhole; _rampTime::ms => _e.duration; fun void setRampTime(float rampTime) { rampTime => _rampTime; } fun void target(float val) { _e.target(val); } fun float getSample() { return _e.last(); } } // END: class EnvGen // name:: Player // desc:: simple sound player using EnvGen class class Player { SinOsc _s => NRev _rev => dac; _rev.mix(0.05); EnvGen _amp, _freq; fun void setAmp(float amp) { _amp.target(amp); } fun void setFreq(float freq) { _freq.target(freq); } fun void setRampTime(float rampTime) { _amp.setRampTime(rampTime); _freq.setRampTime(rampTime); } fun void _run() { while(true) { _amp.getSample() => _s.gain; _freq.getSample() => _s.freq; 1::samp => now; } } spork ~ _run(); // run immediately } // END: class Player // ----------------------------------------------------- "data-oilconsumption.dat" => string mydata; DataReader dr; dr.load(mydata); if (!dr.isValid()) me.exit(); <<< "[Player] Now playing :", mydata >>>; Player ply; 200.0 => float rampTime; ply.setRampTime(rampTime); while(dr.next()) { dr.getNormalized() => float w; w-.2 => float wTrail; for(wTrail; wTrailwTrail) { ply.setAmp(0.5*Math.pow(wTrail,2.0)); ply.setFreq(Std.mtof(80.0 + wTrail*20.0)); } ply.setAmp(0.5 * Math.pow(w, 2.0)); ply.setFreq(Std.mtof(80.0 + w * 20.0)); rampTime::ms => now; }