St. Mary-Abu Ghosh

The Benedictine monastery in the Paslestinian village of Abu Ghosh is home to a late Romanesque/early Gothic-style church built by the Hospitaliers in 1140. We recorded impulse resonses and did 3D scans on August 3 2021.

IR recording - sine sweep and balloon pop

Church interior

3D scan (Leica BLK 360)

Aug 6,  excerpts from Vespers (recorded with permission of the monks and nuns of St. Mary

vocal improvisation - concluding vespers

homophonic singing (from Vespers)  - Benedictine monks and nuns

chant - vespers

Fresco by Byzantine artist (3rd quarter of the 12th century)

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Note the cool halo occlusion 

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Muslim iconoclasm

© Stanford University. 2021