To run this program, you need to plug your computer into an AKAI MPK 49 MIDI piano. (It will run without the piano plugged in, but nothing will be able to be controlled). This program controls a few musical aspects. Slider F1 will speed up the tempo, and Slider F2 will slow down the tempo. Buttons S1 and S2 will return the tempo to the original speed (60 bpm). F3 will adjust the amount of programs running at a time (between 2 and 8), and S3 will return the number of programs running to one. Slider F4 will adjust the amount each program slows down more than the tempo, which will cause them to be offset from each other, and Button S4 will return this offset to 0. Finally, Slider F5 will adjust how far the note that played is potentially off from the scale note that was originally programmed to play by increasing the range a random number selector will choose from, and Button S5 will return that offset to zero. With all of this randomness, the program can sound really pretty and fun, or really discombobulated and computer-y, and I think it's cool that it can be this mess and all of the sudden be snapped back to nothing so easily. I really enjoyed this assignment!