Random: The ChuckU titled "random" is designed to be just that - as random as possible! The duration of the piece is random, and will change each performance, for multiple reasons. First of all, the for loop will continue only when integer 'i' is less than a random integer (from 1 to 100), and will change each iteration of the for loop, so there's no telling when it will stop. The duration in between each note is also random, and could be any float from 0.01 to 5 seconds. The final random piece of this composition is the frequency of each note, which could be anywhere from 50Hz to 2000Hz. The piece can be played by simply copying the code into chuck and adding the shred, or can be played on my 220B page. Stressful: The ChuckU titled "Stressful" is so called because of the way all the notes are very close in proximity, frequency-wise. The first note plays an A,and holds it for 10 seconds, which is when the chaos starts to hit. Each note afterwards is only three frequencies below the previous, and as the loop continues, the notes get added faster and faster. The piece can be played by simply copying the code into chuck and adding the shred, or can be played on my 220B page. King's Entrance: The piece titled "King's Entrance" is intended to be royal and energetic. Complete with two triplets, the piece is entended to have a slow and drawn out, yet energetic feel. The piece can be played by simply copying the code into chuck and adding the shred, or can be played on my 220B page. The hardest part of this assignment was definitely the ChuckUs - creating a whole piece in three lines is tough! I didn't realize at first that you could put multiple commands in one line (seperated by a semi colon), so once I figured that out, the assignment got a lot easier, but still, it was hard to be creative given such little space.