Above you can compare them. Click and see a bigger version of either one. Download the PDF of the Finale version here.
2. On comparing, you can see that in this case the two are pretty similar. Spacing and line breaks are pretty much the same. The slurs are diffrent, and the tempo marking didn't get picked up. Also note that the title actually did not get picked up, I added that in Finale. I also added the "Not Aaron Trumm" composer.
3. Took "My Grandfather's Clock" by Henry C. Work, from the Library Of Congress archives. My dad used to always play that song as more of a country tune. So I took page two into Sharpeye and had it read and let me tell you, it did a piss poor job with it. First of all, the song includes a lyric line which isn't in the first line, because the first line is just piano intro. This flipped Sharpeye out something fierce. Next Sharpeye missed most of the chords. I had to enter in 60% of the music by hand in Sharpeye, which wasn't easy with Sharpeye's non-intuitive interface. Finally I exported to XML and imported to Finale, where I still had fixes to make. There's still one actual mistake in what you see here, and that is the pick up note which should be in the lyric line is in the right hand of the piano. That's because this file thinks that the top stff of the first line is the top staff of the 2nd line, which makes sense. There's actually a bottom staff on that first line, but I cheated and made it hidden. I had to delete a clef too. This looks almost right, but it wouldn't make a correct MIDI file, for example, because the parts are actually wrong. This was basically a mess. Almost unusable really, and I'm really not impressed with Finale when it comes to editing things that are already there. Is there a clef change in the middle of your music? Decide to delete that clef? Sorry. Not allowed, or at least not in any way foreseeable. To hide the wrong clef change, I actually right clicked the clef in "clef tool" mode and told it to never show the clef.
So visually, this result is almost right (save the wrong pick up, and the pick up measure being stuck up on the first line), but as underlying music information for MIDI play back, or if you were to try to seperate parts, is totally unusable. Nevertheless, you can view the result:
Or download the PDF to print.
4. Next I'll export my Sharpeye file to a MIDI file, then import to Finale, making no alterations, and I'll get:
Of course, a PDF if you really want to print that craziness.
5. I don't even need to begin making observations, do I? It did manage to pick up the flats. But of course, MIDI doesn't really know about key signatures so it didn't have an actual key signature rather than a bunch of flats everywhere. Of course the odd extra bottom staff on the first line and the subsequent wrongness of parts is preserved, since I couldn't mess with it. And of course, the second staff, after line 1, is really supposed to be the right hand of the piano, treble clef, and it's a bass clef. At least the notes are right (I think), but it's written in the wrong clef. And it ends weird I'm not even sure what all that is in the last measure, and hi, MIDI thing? Yes, Aaron here. What is the point of ending a piece of music with a measure of rest? *smacks forehead*