Aaron's Presentation For Beginning Of Music 220a

I don't try to be particularly avante-garde or computer musicish. In fact I prefer my feet on the black paint and plywood of a sweaty south Texas stage, my hands on the stolen teeth of the gentle beast and my lips on an SM58 or a woman (preferably both in one night). I don't listen to Squarepusher tunes over and over. I do listen to Tom Waits or Tori Amos tunes over and over.

But computers are the other side of my life and living. I find myself knowing how to handle them, buying them, building them, and finally (after many years of resistance with regard to some aspects of the process), using them a lot to make recordings and even portions of live performances. I find myself using one right now to listen to Tom Waits. I use them to compose. Bach used pen and staff paper, I use Cakewalk 5.0 for DOS. That, I guess, is why I'm at Stanford's CCRMA program. I'm the only one in my program with a non-technical bachelor's.

So, I was glad to hear the prof of Music 220a (Chris Chafe) say that in presenting our previous work to the class, and in general, he was interested in the variety that we had at hand. So here is the little bit of stuff I presented, along with the brief descriptions I showed the class.