I want to respond to Artful Design Chapter 8 Principle 8.1 “What we make, makes us.” My first interpretation of this statement was that what you make, and by extension, what will outlive you, will become your legacy. Creations act as intimate reflections of their curators, offering a window into their experiences. Interacting with something someone has made can evoke a level of connection similar to reading a book or watching a movie. These creations invite interpretation, encouraging us to ponder the maker’s intentions and identity. However, this intimacy comes with the caveat that overanalysis can lead to mistakenly attributing qualities to the maker that may not exist, a pitfall explored excellently in The Beginner’s Guide.

Reflecting further, I am struck by the profound intimacy inherent in design itself. I believe the values reflected in our designs are tied directly to how we engage with different kinds of people. A design that caters to one particular group while excluding others often reveals the designer’s comfort with certain audiences and discomfort—or, in the worst case, disdain—for others. This type of design can be ethical when it intentionally creates space for marginalized groups who have historically been excluded. However, it becomes problematic when applied to spaces meant to serve diverse populations. Truly sublime design is empathetic, embracing inclusivity and creating comfort for everyone.

This interpretation aligns closely with Principle 8.11, “Design is the embodied conscience of technology.” The values embedded in our creations not only reflect our worldview but also shape the world around us, influencing how others interact with technology and each other.

Additionally, I find great inspiration in Mantra 8.15: “Doing without thinking is dangerous. Thinking without feeling is baneful. Feeling without doing is powerless.” This mantra communicates so many big ideas. Intentions are great, but they require action to make any change. It reminds us that thoughtful, empathetic design arises from people who are able to do all of these things.