
Drumscape.wav - "Drumscape" 6:24 16/44.1 WAV 67.7 MB - ChucK code


Drumscape is a generative drum machine that is having an identity crisis between techno and breakbeat. The rhythm is hard-coded as a basic techno beat, but the playback engine decides whether to skip or move drum hits on-the-fly. The user can control a variety of sonic properties including the pitch and amplitude envelopes, volume, and echo effect of the sounds individually or in groups.

Usage Instructions

  • When you run, you will hear the basic generative beat it produces.

  • Change the tempo using the up/down arrow keys, or your mouse's scroll wheel.

  • Holding 'k', 's', 'c', 'o' puts the kick, snare, closed hi-hat, or open hi-hat into 'listen' mode, respectively

  • Alternatively, but these instruments in listen mode with '1' '2' '3' and '4' (Useful when controlling multiple sounds).

  • When in listen mode, vertical mouse motion change the pitch envelope of the sound (most pronounced on kick and snare sounds). Horizontal motion changes the amplitude envelope of the sound.

  • Press 'v' to activate volume-change mode. In this mode, listening instruments will have their volume changed by vertial mouse movement.

  • Press 'e' to activate echo mode. In this mode, you can change the echo properties of listening instruments. Vertcal mouse movement changes the echo volume. Horizontal movement changes echo time.