This is part of the CCRMA linux workshop , summer 2000.

Here are the first 50 minutes worth of UNIX LORE from 5Pm Tuesday:

------ COMMANDS ------

listing files:  ls
		-l -- long listing
		-a -- show ALL files
		-d -- directories like files
getting help:   man
		man -k (aka apropos)
finding text:   grep
concatenating:  cat
testing:        echo
make directory: mkdir
remove directory: rmdir

move file(s):      mv
copy file(s):      cp
			cp -r (recursive copy)
remove file(s):    rm
			rm -r (recursive rm)
print working directory:  pwd
change directory:  cd

--------- MORE COMMANDS --------------

archive:	  tar cf - FILENAME > FILENAME2.tar
list archive:     tar tf FILENAME2.tar
extract archive:  tar xf FILENAME2.tar

compress:	  gzip FILENAME2.tar
uncompress:       gunzip FILENAME2.tar.gz
(see also: bzip; bunzip)

disk usage:       du DIRECTORIES
find files:       find -name "bell*" -print

history:	  history

------ INPUT/OUTPUT ---------

make pipeline between commands: |
redirect standard input: < FILENAME
redirect standard output: > FILENAME

-------- FILENAME LORE ----------

*, ? in filenames to shell
.. means parent directory
. means right here
~ means: home directory