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Reverb Class Reference

STK abstract reverberator parent class. More...

#include <Reverb.h>

Inheritance diagram for Reverb::

Stk JCRev NRev PRCRev List of all members.

Public Methods

 Reverb ()
 Class constructor.

virtual ~Reverb ()
 Class destructor.

virtual void clear ()=0
 Reset and clear all internal state.

void setEffectMix (MY_FLOAT mix)
 Set the mixture of input and "reverberated" levels in the output (0.0 = input only, 1.0 = reverb only).

MY_FLOAT lastOut () const
 Return the last output value.

MY_FLOAT lastOutLeft () const
 Return the last left output value.

MY_FLOAT lastOutRight () const
 Return the last right output value.

virtual MY_FLOAT tick (MY_FLOAT input)=0
 Abstract tick function ... must be implemented in subclasses.

virtual MY_FLOAT* tick (MY_FLOAT *vector, unsigned int vectorSize)
 Take vectorSize inputs, compute the same number of outputs and return them in vector.

Detailed Description

STK abstract reverberator parent class.

This class provides common functionality for STK reverberator subclasses.

by Perry R. Cook and Gary P. Scavone, 1995 - 2002.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
The Synthesis ToolKit in C++ (STK)
©1995-2002 Perry R. Cook and Gary P. Scavone. All Rights Reserved.