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Equivalence of Comb Filters to
Tapped Delay Lines

We can easily show that a parallel combination of feedforward comb filters is equivalent to a tapped delay line:

H(z) &=& \left(1+g_1 z^{-M_1}\right) +
\left(1+g_2 z^{-M_2}\...
...) \\ [10pt]
&=& 3 + g_1 z^{-M_1} + g_2 z^{-M_2} + g_3 z^{-M_3}

$\displaystyle \Rightarrow\quad
b_0 = 3,\; b_{M_1} = g_1,\; b_{M_2} = g_2,\; b_{M_3} = g_3

We can also show that a series combination of feedforward comb filters produces a sparse tapped delay line:

H(z) &=& \left(1+g_1 z^{-M_1}\right) \left(1+g_2 z^{-M_2}\righ...
&=& 1 + g_1 z^{-M_1} + g_2 z^{-M_2} + g_1 g_2 z^{-(M_1+M_2)}

\Rightarrow \quad
b_0 &=& 1,\quad b_{M_1} = g_1,\quad b_{M_2} = g_2, b_{M_3}=g_1 g_2 \\ [10pt]
M_3 &=& M_1+M_2

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``Computational Acoustic Modeling with Digital Delay'', by Julius O. Smith III and Nelson Lee,
REALSIMPLE Project — work supported by the Wallenberg Global Learning Network .
Released 2008-06-05 under the Creative Commons License (Attribution 2.5), by Julius O. Smith III and Nelson Lee
Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA),   Stanford University