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"Electronic Simulation of Auditorium Acoustics",
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"Embedding Equal Pitch Spaces and The Question of Expanded Chromas: An Experimental Approach",
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"Event Formation and Separation in Musical Sound",
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"An Exploration of Musical Timbre",
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"Haptic Displays of Systems with Changing Kinematic Constraints: The Virtual Piano Action",
Department of Mechanical Engineering, vol. Ph.D., no. STAN-M-92, Stanford, California, Stanford University, 01/1996.
"Identification of Control Parameters in an Articulatory Vocal Tract Model, with Applications to the Synthesis of Singing",
Electrical Engineering, vol. Ph.D., no. STAN-M-68, Stanford, California, Stanford University, 12/1990.
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The Influence of Nonharmonic Partials on Tone Perception,
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"An Investigation of the Effects of Direct and Reverberant Signal Interactions on Auditory Distance Perception",
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"Modeling Music Notation: A Three-Dimensional Approach",
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"Modeling Musical Transitions",
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"A Non-negative Framework for Joint Modeling of Spectral Structure and Temporal Dynamics in Sound Mixtures",
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An Object-Oriented Real-Time Simulation of Music Performance Using Interactive Control,
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"On the Automatic Transcription of Percussive Music - From Acoustic Signal to High-Level Analysis",
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"On the Segmentation and Analysis of Continuous Musical Sound by Digital Computer",
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"Perception of Attack Transients in Musical Tones",
Department of Music, vol. Ph.D., no. STAN-M-17, Stanford, California, Stanford University, 1984.
"Psychoacoustic Factors in Musical Intonation: Beats, Interval Tuning, and Inharmonicity",
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"Some Aspects of Applying Psychoacoustic Principles to Soundfield Reconstruction",
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"Spectral Fusion, Spectral Parsing and the Formation of Auditory Images",
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"A System for Sound Analysis/Transformation/Synthesis Based on a Deterministic Plus Stochastic Decomposition",
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"Techniques for Digital Filter Design and System Identification with Application to the Violin",
Electrical Engineering, vol. Ph.D., no. STAN-M-14: Stanford University, 06/1983.
"Toward a High-Quailty Singing Synthesizer with Vocal Texture Control",
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Absolute Memory for Musical Pitch: More Than The Melody Lingers On,
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AM/FM Rate Estimation and Bias Correction for Time-Varying Sinusoidal Modeling,
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The Aquisition of Musical Percepts with a New Scale,
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Auditory Distance Perception Under Natural Sounding Conditions, Final Report,
, no. STAN-M-12: Stanford University Department of Music, 1982.
Automatic Species Counterpoint,
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