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IEEE Conference on Circuits and Systems, no. STAN-M-35, San Jose, CA, USA, 05/1986.
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"Efficient Yet Accurate Models for Strings and Air Columns Using Sparse Lumping of Distributed Losses and Dispersion",
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Design Criteria for the Quadratically Interpolated FFT Method (III): Bias due to Amplitude and Frequency Modulation,
, no. STAN-M-116: Stanford University, Department of Music, 2004.
Design Criteria for the Quadratically Interpolated FFT Method (II): Bias due to Interfering Components,
, no. STAN-M-115: Stanford University, Department of Music, 2004.
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, no. STAN-M-114: Stanford University, Department of Music, 2004.
"Design Criteria for Simple Sinusoidal Parameter Estimation based on Quadratic Interpolation of FFT Magnitude Peaks",
Audio Engineering Society Convention, San Francisco, New York, Audio Engineering Society, 2004.
"The Dagstuhl Core",
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