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"A Physically-Informed, Circuit-Bendable, Digital Model of the Roland TR-808 Bass Drum Circuit",
17th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-14), Erlangen, Germany, 09/2014.
"Proceedings of the 15th International Congress on Acoustics",
International Congress of Acoustics, Trondheim, Norway, CCRMA, 06/1995.
"PARSHL: A Program for the Analysis/Synthesis of Inharmonic Sounds Based on a Sinusoidal Representation",
International Computer Music Conference, no. STAN-M-43, Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, 1987.
"Physical Modeling Using Digital Waveguides",
Computer Music Journal, vol. 16, issue 4, 12/1992.
PLA - A Tutorial and Reference Manual,
, Stanford, CA, Stanford University, CCRMA, 12/1984.
Pickups for the Vibrations of Violin and Guitar Strings Using Piezoelectric Bimorphic Bender Elements,
, Stanford, CA, Stanford University, CCRMA, 05/1988.
"PadMaster: banging on algorithms with alternative controllers",
International Computer Music Conference, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China, International Computer Music Association, 1996.
"The Planet CCRMA software collection",
International Computer Music Conference, Göteborg, Sweden, International Computer Music Association, 2002.
"PadMaster: an improvisation environment for real time performance",
International Computer Music Conference, Banff Centre for the Arts, Canada, International Computer Music Association, 1995.
"Psychoacoustic Factors in Musical Intonation: Beats, Interval Tuning, and Inharmonicity",
Department of Music, vol. Ph.D., no. STAN-M-70, Stanford, CA, Stanford University, 1991.
"Perception of Attack Transients in Musical Tones",
Department of Music, vol. Ph.D., no. STAN-M-17, Stanford, California, Stanford University, 1984.
Pulsed Noise and Microtransients in Physical Models of Musical Instruments,
, no. STAN-M-65: Stanford University Department of Music, sep, 1990.
"Pulsed Noise in Self-Sustained Oscillations of Musical Instruments",
Proceddings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Albuquerque, no. STAN-M-61, New York, IEEE Press, 01/1990.
"Playing the Network: the Use of Time Delays as Musical Devices",
International Computer Music Conference, pp. 244-250, 2008.
"A physically motivated room reverberation enhancement system that is stable in any (dissipative) room: An application of sound portholes",
NOISE-CON 2010 in conjunction ith the 159th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Baltimore, MD, 04/2010.