Filters: First Letter Of Title is I [Clear All Filters]
"Introduction to Digital Filter Theory",
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"An Introduction to the Phase Vocoder",
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"An Improved and Generalized Diode Clipper Model for Wave Digital Filters",
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Impulse Response Measurement Toolbox,
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"Inferring Control Inputs to an Acoustic Violin from Audio Spectra",
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"Interactive Refinement of Supervised and Semi-Supervised Sound Source Separation Estimates",
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"Interactive User-Feedback for Sound Source Separation",
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"ISSE: An Interactive Source Separation Editor",
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"Instinct-Based Mating in Genetic Algorithms Applied to the Tuning of 1-NN Classifiers",
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"Interactive Network Media: A Dream Worth Dreaming?",
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Instrumental Timbre and Related Acoustical Phenomena in the Perception of Music, Final Report,
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Intelligent Analysis of Composite Acoustic Signals, Final Report,
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Intelligent Systems for the Analysis of Digitized Acoustic Signals, Final Report,
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"Identification of Control Parameters in an Articulatory Vocal Tract Model, with Applications to the Synthesis of Singing",
Electrical Engineering, vol. Ph.D., no. STAN-M-68, Stanford, California, Stanford University, 12/1990.
"Impact of MIDI on Electroacoustic Art Music",
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"Instantaneous and Frequency-Warped Signal Processing Techniques for Auditory Source Separation",
Electrical Engineering, vol. Ph.D., no. STAN-M-86, Stanford, CA, Stanford University, 1994.
"Interactive Sound Source Separation",
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"An Investigation of the Effects of Direct and Reverberant Signal Interactions on Auditory Distance Perception",
Department of Hearing and Speech, vol. Ph.D., no. STAN-M-13: Stanford University, 1982.