Filters: Author is Cook, Perry [Clear All Filters]
"CCRMA Papers Presented at the 1995 International Computer Music Conference, Banff, Canada",
International Computer Music Conference, no. STAN-M-91, Banff, Canada, 09/1995.
"CCRMA Papers Presented at the 1993 International Computer Music Conference, Tokyo, Japan",
International Computer Music Conference, no. STAN-M-81, Tokyo, Japan, 12/1993.
"Hardware, Software, and Compositional Tools for a Real Time Improvised Solo Trumpet Work",
International Computer Music Conference, no. STAN-M-56, Columbus, Ohio, USA, 1989.
"Identification of Control Parameters in an Articulatory Vocal Tract Model, with Applications to the Synthesis of Singing",
Electrical Engineering, vol. Ph.D., no. STAN-M-68, Stanford, California, Stanford University, 12/1990.
"CCRMA Papers on Physical Modeling from the 1991 International Computer Music Conference, Montreal, Canada",
International Computer Music Conference, no. STAN-M-73, Montreal, Canada, 10/1991.
Reverberation Cancellation in Musical Signals Using Adaptive Filters,
, no. STAN-M-51, Stanford, California, CCRMA, 05/1988.
"LECTOR: An Ecclesiastical Latin Control Language for the SPASM/Singer Instrument",
International Computer Music Conference, no. STAN-M-76, Montreal, Canada, 1991.
"Noise and Aperiodicity in the Glottal Source: A Study of Singer Voices",
Twelfth International Congress of Phoenetic Sciences, no. STAN-M-75, 08/1991.
"Synthesis of the Singing Voice Using a Physically Parameterized Model of the Human Vocal Tract",
International Computer Music Conference, no. STAN-M-57, Columbus, Ohio, USA, 1989.
Implementation of Single Reed Instruments with Arbitrary Bore Shapes Using Digital Waveguide Filters,
, no. STAN-M-50: Stanford University Department of Music, 05/1988.
"Interactive Network Media: A Dream Worth Dreaming?",
Organised Sound, pp. 10(3)209-219, 2007.
"Musical Tapestry: Re-composing Natural Sounds",
Journal of New Music Research, pp. 36(4):241-250, 2008.
"Composing for Laptop Orchestra",
Computer Music Journal, pp. 32(1):9-25, 2008.
"Combining Analysis and Synthesis in the ChucK Programming Language",
International Computer Music Conference, Copenhagen, 2007.
"The Laptop Orchestra as Classroom",
Computer Music Journal, pp. 32(1):26-37, 2008.
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Winter Quarter 2024
101 Introduction to Creating Electronic Sound
106 Concert Production
153D Ensemble Sonification of Temporal Data
220B Compositional Algorithms, Psychoacoustics, and Computational Music
222 Sound in Space
223Q Queer Electronic Music Composition
251 Psychophysics and Music Cognition
253 Symbolic Musical Information
319 Research Seminar on Computational Models of Sound
422 Perceptual Audio Coding
451B Neuroscience of Auditory Perception and Music Cognition II: Neural Oscillations