Re: [LAU] Linux stickers for laptop (OT)

From: Martin Ahnelöv <operagasten@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun Apr 29 2007 - 12:29:34 EEST

this is of topic.

> If things go well, instead of borrowing the guitar player's Korg
> Triton (as I had to do for the last show), I will be playing my new
> Linux laptop.

I've seen people mention that the "play" on their laptop many times on
this list, but I've never really understood how they do it? Like that
laptop-battle mentioned some weeks ago. Are you livecoding or looping
with freewheeling, or what? I've seen samples been mentioned. Is there
any documentation on the net? I would love to see how other people do
their music (especially sample-based).

> I want to plant a huge Tux sticker right in the center of the laptop
> cover. It's a barebones so it has no markings of its own; I get to put
> on my own. I've seen a logo of Tux wearing headphones too, which I'd
> like to find.

Try searching for "linux stickers" on google. Also, the spraypainted
two-color tux mentioned in another post seems really cool! I would love
to get one of those when I buy a laptop.


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Received on Mon Apr 30 12:15:01 2007

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