hellew. i made this song as part of a quixit (
http://r2h.org/doc/quixit-faq.txt). it's where ppl from em411.com get
together in irc and make a tune in an hour, hour and a half...
link: http://r2h.org/music/everamzah-to_my_ear.mp3
using only the samples provided in the quixit (think one hour compo), i
proceeded to slice them up in snd. i loaded the pieces of the drum break
into one instance of specimen, and pieces of the flute and airy pad in
another instance of specimen. i then programmed an 8 bar drum loop in seq24,
alongside an 8 bar loop of a melody i made using the flute+pad. i recorded
both of these into ardour2 (rc2, worked like a charm), alongside with sample
tweak-out using kluppe. after that i adjusted the arrangement a touch, and
fired up tranches (controlled using vkeybd), routed the recorded drums into
tranches from and back into ardour2, and did beat repeating/slicing from
half way though in-on-out. i'm pleased with the end result. all made in
approx one hour. :)
thanks for listening,
-- r2h.org
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Received on Fri Apr 27 16:15:01 2007
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