Subject: [linux-audio-user] Creating live CDs
Date: Mon Jun 28 2004 - 22:28:01 EEST
I'd like to know if there is a tool to create live CDs under Linux.
I recorded lots of live concerts from the radio or of my own bands with
a DAT recorder. I use the M-Audio Audiophile 24/96, ALSA 1.0.3 and
ecasound to copy the 48 kHz tapes onto my harddisk:
ecasound -c -r -b 512 -f:16,2,48000 -i alsa,ice1712_spdif -o file.wav
I use Audacity to amplify, normalize, cut and fade in/out. For
downsampling I use sox:
sox file.wav -r 44100 file44.wav polyphase
(So far: Do you have better solutions concerning quality?)
Now my problem is to burn the resulting file onto an Audio CD with track
markers and CD-text. I am not aware of a Linux program to do this (and
still have to dual boot for Feurio :-( ).
Does anybody know a suitable tool?
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