Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Linux soundapps site updated
From: Dave Phillips (
Date: Mon Jun 28 2004 - 16:14:15 EEST
Hi Martin:
I'm glad you like the site and find it an enjoyable and useful
resource. WRT your questions:
ALSA handles *almost* every app based on the now-deprecated
OSS/Free API, so generally speaking they're almost all ALSA-compatible.
And IIRC Jack supports both ALSA and OSS (correction?). Basically, if
you have an up-to-date ALSA system you should have no problems running
OSS and Jack apps (assuming you also have Jack installed).
Designating the GUI is too much detail, though you can see in the
listings that I often do indicate required toolkits. I'm just not very
thorough about it.
API/protocols: see above re: ALSA...
If you're relatively new here you might not realize that I've been
increasingly dissatisfied with the site design and organization but I
have little time to do more than keep it updated. Sorry about that...
Thanks for your message !
Martin Habets wrote:
>Thanks for doing a GREAT job providing this page!
>I'm still exploring a lot of software, so I use your page very
>often. One of things I miss is a catagorization of the apps with
>regards to:
>- Audio interface: OSS, ALSA, Jack
>- Human interface: text, GUI (Qt, Gtk(2), other)
>- API/Protocols, if any (OSC, LADSPA, ...)
>Is anything like this around?
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