Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] OT: removing wax from vinyl
From: Jan Depner (
Date: Sat Jun 19 2004 - 17:53:04 EEST
I would suspect that hot water (not ridiculously hot) would remove it.
On a related note, before you record your vinyl wipe the records down
with a damp sponge and leave them damp when you record. The water
actually helps the needle pick up the sound from the grooves better than
when it's dry. I have been told that you can add a small amount of soap
to the water and that helps as well but I haven't tried that yet.
On Sat, 2004-06-19 at 09:08, Dylan wrote:
> Hello List
> Not really what we're for, but - in transcribing my vinly I've found one
> with a blob of candle wax on it (covers about a 1/4" diameter)
> What's the best way to remove this?
> Cheers
> Dylan
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