Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] perfect pitch application
From: Luke Yelavich (
Date: Sat Jun 19 2004 - 02:20:11 EEST
At 07:43 AM 19/06/2004, Christian Henz wrote:
>On Fri, Jun 18, 2004 at 10:19:49AM -0400, Larry Troxler wrote:
> > it, and in fact I had a composition teacher once with perfect pitch who
> said
> > it was a curse.
> >
>Heh, this reminds me of something a friend once told me when we were on a
>beach,he said a person with perfect pitch would go nuts there, because the
>sound of
>the ocean would be slightly off key ;-)
Actually no. I have perfect pitch, and know two others who do also. We
don't think that, mainly because the beach has so many harmonics and
overtones etc that it is impossible to tell what key it is in.
However, given the sound of a washing machine, elevator, etc we could
easily work out the constant pitch of those devices.
-- Luke Yelavich
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