Re: [linux-audio-user] Note Edit and LilyPond

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Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Note Edit and LilyPond
From: Dave Phillips (
Date: Wed Jun 16 2004 - 14:24:16 EEST

Hi Chris:

  Thanks for the tips, but they didn't work. Btw, I used lilypond-bin
according to NE's apparently outdated instructions re: exporting to
LilyPond. I ran 'convert-ly -f 2.2.0' but it made no
difference to the lilypond executable, I still received the errors. I
ran lilypond with the --verbose switch, the trace at the end of the
error report states:

lilypond --verbose
lilypond: error: LilyPond failed on input file dp-chorale (exit status 1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/lilypond", line 867, in ?
    run_lilypond (files, dep_prefix)
  File "/usr/bin/lilypond", line 292, in run_lilypond
    ly.exit (status)
  File "/usr/share/lilypond/2.2.0/python/", line 130, in exit
    raise _ ('Exiting (%d)...') % i
Exiting (256)...
Cleaning /home/dlphilp/tmp/@22733.0lilypond...

  I've appended the produced by NE, let me know if you can
see any glaring lack.

  I'll also be testing Rosegarden's notation export this week. Any tips
on exporting to LilyPond and/or other RG supported formats ?

Best regards,


Chris Cannam wrote:

>On Wednesday 16 Jun 2004 11:36 am, Dave Phillips wrote:
>>NE's notes on exporting to LP mention some binaries that
>>aparently are no longer part of LP, such as ly2dvi. Is that app now
>>incorporated into lilypond and/or lilypond-bin ?
>ly2dvi has been renamed to lilypond, and lilypond has been renamed to
>lilypond-bin. You almost certainly want to be running lilypond
>rather than lilypond-bin -- though I guess there must be some reason
>you chose to run lilypond-bin in the first place?
>This change happened in LilyPond 2.0, and I think the
>change you mention was made in LilyPond 2.2, so it seems NoteEdit is
>exporting older data than your LilyPond version. Try running the
>convert-ly script (part of the LilyPond distribution) on your .ly
>file to bring it up to date before running LilyPond.

% %
% LilyPond output generated by %
% "noteedit" %
% %

\include ""

flat = \markup { \raise #0.4 \smaller \musicglyph #"accidentals--2" }
sharp = \markup { \raise #0.6 \smaller \musicglyph #"accidentals-2" }
textcodaysym = \markup { \hspace #1 \raise #1.1 \musicglyph #"scripts-coda"}

StaffAVoiceA = \notes\relative c' {
        \property Voice.noAutoBeaming = ##t
        \clef violin
        \time 4/4

        c''4 b8 [ a ] f4 e8 [ d ] | bes! [ a bes! c ] d [ e ] c4 | % 3
        d c a d | c8 [ a f g ] a2 | % 5
        f8 [ e ] f4 g8 [ bes! c bes ] | c4 r r d | % 7
        r r c2 | c,4 d f2 | % 9
        ges,! f | des'!8 [ es! ] des4 g8 [ f ] e!4 | % 11
        d c bes!2 | a4 a'2 r4 | % 13
        bes,!2 c | d g, | % 15
        es'!1 | g, | % 17
        f | \fatText g ^\markup{\large ritard.} | % 19
        \bar "|."
StaffAVoiceB = \notes\relative c' {
        \property Voice.noAutoBeaming = ##t

        e'8 [ d ] c4 d8 [ c ] a4 f'8 [ g f e ] f4 g8 [ f ] a [ g a bes!
] c4. bes!8 a g4 f8 e2 d4 a'8 [ f ] e' [ d ] a4 g8 [ d' ] c [ bes! a g ]
f [ c' ] bes! [ a g f ] es! [ bes'! ] a [ g ] d4 g a2 bes!4 as!8 [ ges!
] as!4 es! f8 [ ges! ] f [ es! ] des!4 c8 [ bes! ] a [ g ] a4 bes!2 a4
e'2 s4 d!8 g!4 c,8 bes! es!4 a,8 bes!4 c2 b4 c!1 bes! e4 d c b! c e! a
d,! e!1
StaffAVoiceC = \notes\relative c' {
        \property Voice.noAutoBeaming = ##t

        a2 bes! c g f8 [ g a g ] f [ e f g ] a4 b cis!2 d1 es! s2 f4 g
as!8 [ g ] bes! [ a! ] c2 des!8 [ c ] des!4 c8 [ des! c bes! ] as!2
bes!4 a!8 [ g ] f [ e ] f4 g8 [ f e d ] cis!4 cis'!2 s4 f,2 g g4 f es! d
c d es!2 d4 c bes! a c2 d e f g1
StaffA = \simultaneous {
        \context Voice="StaffAVoiceA" \StaffAVoiceA
        \context Voice="StaffAVoiceB" \StaffAVoiceB
        \context Voice="StaffAVoiceC" \StaffAVoiceC
\score {
        \simultaneous {
                \property Score.skipBars = ##t
                \property Score.melismaBusyProperties = #'(melismaBusy
slurMelismaBusy tieMelismaBusy)
                \context Staff="StaffA" \StaffA
        \paper {
                linewidth = 170.000 \mm
                textheight = 250.000 \mm

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