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To implement a dynamically controllable set of ChucK programs for the purpose of live performance, synchronization, and orchestration of previously recorded short duration loop-able audio files. As an example of performance, human grunting sounds recorded from the home-brew microphone are used to create images of the underworld in the CCRMA 16-channel Listening Room.

Thirty individual grunting sounds (10 short, 10 medium, and 10 long) were recorded into Audacity as a single stream. The files were then cut up into isolated events and saved with a numerical naming convection. Three folders were created to organize and store each class of recorded sounds (using folder names 1,2,3) as well. The naming convection allows for easy manipulation and access within the ChucK programing language.

Once all of the files are ready, the SndBuf command in ChucK can be used to playback the files. For variation, a random number generator can then be used to pick a random file among the folders and set a random playback rate (slower for lower grunts, faster for higher grunts). The playback of a single sample can then be looped and added together with other samples, all in synchronized fashion (similar to moe.ck, larry.ck, and curly.ck files found in the ChucK distribution). By varying the synchronization quantization, playback rates, tempo, volume, panning, and the number of simultaneous sample playback very interesting/exciting sounds result.