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Project #1: Single Hemi Fun + Small SLOrk Sound Sketches


This assignment asks you to work with two different laptop orchestra media: 1) a single hemispherical speaker array, and 2) a group of unamplified laptops.

Due dates:

  • milestone A 2009.4.14, Tuesday.
  • milestone B 2009.4.21, Tuesday.

Specification (part 1 of 2): Single Hemi Fun

  • create an instrument for a single hemi using ChucK
  • should take advantage of the multi-channel aspect (or have a good reason to not do that)
  • consider issues of playability, expressiveness, sound, and also use in an ensemble setting
  • craft a very short piece for your instrument, describe/score it, turn in with assignment
  • each person should turn in their own instrument - however, working together is highly encouraged!

Specification (part 2 of 2 ): Small SLOrk Sound Sketches

  • (now shift gears, and think a bit differently)
  • craft a piece/performance for 5 laptop, unamplified except for onboard laptop speakers
  • use whatever tools are available (e.g., chuck, garage band, itunes, pd, whatever)
  • (optional) record/videotape a performance in the listening room!
  • each person should turn in their own SSSS - however working together is highly encouraged!


  • work on the two parts in whatever order you like
  • the due dates are in the form of two milestones. you should have working versions of both parts for the first milestone, and completed instrument/sketch for the second milestone.
  • Have fun with it!!!

Deliverables (milestone A)

turn in all files by demo'ing and checking in the files with instructors on the Tuesday that it's due, at CCRMA

  • 1) at least a bit of progress on both parts (some combination of ideas, source code, any scores, audio files, etc.)
  • 2) a short README text (readme.txt) file that:
    • describes your progress so far
    • describes any difficulties you are encountering in the process
    • plans for next week
    • any outstanding code issues that we reviewers will encounter during our review

Deliverables (milestone B)

turn in all files by demo'ing and checking in the files with instructors on the Tuesday that it's due, at CCRMA

  • 1) files for both parts of the assignment (source code, any scores, audio files, etc.)
  • 2) a short README text (readme.txt) file that:
    • contains instructions on running your programs
    • describes any difficulties you encountered in the process