Laptop Orchestra of the Left

From CCRMA Wiki
Revision as of 19:24, 16 June 2008 by Ge (Talk | contribs)

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This is the wiki home for Laptop Orchestra of the Left (LOL), a collaborative musical project exploring large-scale electronic chamber music and atrocious acronyms. It is being developed by Stanford University's Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA) and Bay Area Music Technology community (BArCMuT).

While its point of origin lies in the San Francisco Bay Area, LOL reaches out to the entire west coast, including that of Canada and Mexico. Heck, LOL even reaches out to the mountain, central, and east coast regions and beyond. Join us, let's make music together with laptops.


  • LOL (other uses)

schedule of events

  • first workshop
    • who: everyone interested
    • what: workshop and diabolical planning session
    • where: CCRMA
    • when: TBD
    • why: a potentially good way to start
    • how: we are going to figure this out