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Installations instructions for a MacBook Pro

Main steps:

1) Backup your data.

2) Partition your drive.

3) Install boot loader.

4) Install linux.

5) Install graphics card driver.

6) PlanetCCRMA-lize your linux.



Fedora8 on MacBook Pro (Santa Rosa 3,1)

Dual Booting OS X and Fedora 8 on MacBook Pro

Step-by-Step Installation Process

1. Update firmware (run software update or download from Apple)

2. Plug into power source; connect to internet via Ethernet.

2. Start Disk Utility: select top hard drive icon, click "Partition" tab.


You can now change the size of your Mac HD partition: select size, click "Apply", wait.



3. Custom install rEFIt, making sure to select "rEFIt File System Drivers".


Restart to check rEFIt install (might take 2 reboots, rEFIt screen shows before OSX boot).

4. Install Fedora 8 (32-bit version from DVD -- get from CCRMA sys admin) -- restart and boot from DVD. Note: beware of trackpad sensitivity. This takes about 30 minutes.

Drive Partitioning

With diskutil

List current partitions:

~> diskutil list

Resize main OS X parition:

~> sudo diskutil resizeVolume disk0s2 40G "Linux" "Linux" 68G

Install Boot Loader

Download rEFit.