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Music Presentation Sign Up

Please use your full name as appeared on the class list.

  • 09/26 (THU) : 3 volunteers :) Caleb Rau, Charles Calvet
  • 10/01 (TUE) : Chet Gnegy, Madeline Huberth, Holly Jachowski
  • 10/03 (THU) : Elliot Kermit-Canfield, Graham Davis, Clark Pang
  • 10/08 (TUE) : Victoria Grace, Alex Ramsey (Gorillaz feat. James Murphy and Andre 3000 "DoYaThing"[1], Caravan Palace "Star Scat" [2], Alex Chechile
  • 10/10 (THU) : Freddy Avis, Dulcie Davies, Melanie Goldstein
  • 10/15 (TUE) : - Nette Worthey (Real Group "Nature Boy"[3], Ella Fitzgerald "How High the Moon" from Live in Berlin), Constantin Basica (Brian Cullen - Thrice Removed: [4] - binaural recording), Andrew Mitchell (Dontcha by the Internet [5] Objects in the Mirror by Mac Miller [6])
  • 10/17 (THU) : Rosco Allen, Aaron Bright, JJ Liu
  • 10/22 (TUE) : Emmerich Anklam ("Drums" by Laurie Spiegel, "Covered In Writing" by Eluvium)
  • 10/24 (THU) : Manaswi Mishra, Woody Herman, Brian Cook
  • 10/29 (TUE) : Cooper Newby, Gio Jacuzzi
  • 10/31 (THU) : James Everett, Andrew Forsyth- a couple of covers: ("Get Away, Jordan" by Tim Waurick/"Baby" by Dirty Loops [7]),
  • 11/05 (TUE) : Shu Yu Lin, Keanu Bell, Dylan Rhodes
  • 11/07 (THU) :Manolis Sueuga
  • 11/12 (TUE) : Zachary Yellin-Flaherty, T SCHMIDT-DAWG ROAR #rekt, Anupama Rajan
  • 11/14 (THU) :
  • 11/19 (TUE) :
  • 11/21 (THU) :

Faust and Chuck: How to?

Compiling and Using a Faust Code as a Chugin

Tutorial Session Oct. 6: HW1

How do I format a .dat file on Linux?

Well it's very simple, just create a text a text file in gedit and fill it with the values you'd like to use. There must be one value per line and the last line of the file must be left blank.

How do I format a .dat file on Mac OSX?

  • open a terminal
  • cd to the directory where you want to create your data file like: cd Desktop/220a/
  • type: touch myData.dat This creates an empty file called myData.dat.
  • type: nano myData.dat This opens the file you just created in the terminal.
  • copy and paste the data values in the terminal.
  • make sure that you have at least one blank line at the end of your file.
  • do ctl+o to save the values in myData.dat
  • do ctl+x to exit nano

How do I create an HTML file?

As Chris suggested, one way to do it is to use LibreOffice: https://ccrma.stanford.edu/courses/220a-fall-2013/resources/hw-factory-instructions.html

You can also write an HTML file from scratch. Here's a very good tutorial on this topic: http://www.w3schools.com/html/

As an example, your HW1 HTML file could look like:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1>Music 220a - Homework 1: Data Sonification</h1>
<h2>Chuck Files / Data Files</h2>
<li><a href="https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~me/220a/HW1/HW1-1.ck">file.ck</a></li>
<li><a href="https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~me/220a/HW1/HW2-2.ck">file2.ck</a></li>
<li><a href="https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~me/220a/HW1/data.dat">data.dat</a></li>
<h2>Generated Wave File</h2>
<li><a href="https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~me/220a/HW1/HW1.wav">HW1.wav</a></li>
<p>Short description of your piece.</p>
<p>Something about the time series you used.</p>

How do I use Jack on Windows?

You don't. If you're looking for a solution to using Audacity in order to record the sound from MiniAudicle, the truth is, you do not need to use Jack, or any other third-party program.

Windows (at least 7 and 8) has a built-in feature called Stereo Mix. I don't know if it exists on Vista, XP, or previous, but if you use one of those OSes, you might as well try finding out.

Stereo Mix functions as a microphone that records any sound currently playing on your computer. I'm no technical expert, but this is my observation.

To use Stereo Mix:

1. Mouse down to the bottom right of the taskbar

2. Right-click on the Volume icon (looks like a loudspeaker)

3. Click "Recording devices".

In the window that pops up, Stereo Mix should be shown as a recording device.

4. Highlight the Stereo Mix icon and click "Properties" at the bottom of the window.

5. Another window should pop up. Make sure the dropdown menu at the bottom of this window says "Use this device (enable)".

6. Press OK on this second pop up window, which should bring you back to the original window.

7. Make sure Stereo Mix is highlighted, and press the "Set Default" button, next to the properties button.

Now, Stereo Mix should show up under the list of available recording devices in Audacity or any other audio recording program. Select it. Then just press record on Audacity, and start playing the sound you want to record out of any program. You should see that the sound is being recorded on Audacity.

If you still don't see anything, make sure that all the appropriate volumes are turned up enough. These are the four volume controls you probably need to watch for:

1. The volume on your playback program (If you're in m220a, MiniAudicle is your playback program and it doesn't have a volume knob - you set the amplitude of the sound when you code it.)

2. The volume in the Windows Volume Mixer, accessible by left-clicking the volume icon on the taskbar, and clicking "Mixer".

3. The "Levels" of Stereo Mix, accessible under the "Levels" tab of Stereo Mix Properties. (See steps 1-4 of "To use Stereo Mix")

4. The "Input Volume" in Audacity, which has a picture of a microphone next to it

Tutorial Session Sept. 26: HW1, simplest Chuck code & UNIX

Quick UNIX tutorial: http://freeengineer.org/learnUNIXin10minutes.html

Download Chuck: http://chuck.cs.princeton.edu/release/

Download MiniAudicle: http://audicle.cs.princeton.edu/mini/

//TriOsc, SqrOsc, etc
SinOsc a => dac; 
//a => dac.right;
//a => dac.left;

440 => a.freq;
0.9 => a.gain;

    //<<< Std.rand2f( 100.0, 1000.0 ) >>>;
    Std.rand2f( 100.0, 1000.0 ) => a.freq;
    100::ms => now;