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The performance system I am developing is part of continued research in creating an audio/visual experience using spatialized field recordings, the voice, sensors, video, and software. In its current iteration, I plan to work with water and conductive tape using proximity sensing to control real-time changes to video content. For the audio, I plan to use a series of natural and machine-made sounds alongside some other more musical component. I also plan to continue working with a performance mask that I created for 250A last quarter.     
The performance system I am developing is part of continued research in creating an audio/visual experience using spatialized field recordings, the voice, sensors, video, and software. In its current iteration, I plan to work with water and conductive tape using proximity sensing to control real-time changes to video content. For the audio, I plan to use a series of natural and machine-made sounds alongside some other more musical component. I also plan to continue working with a performance mask that I created for 250A last quarter.     

Revision as of 11:24, 14 April 2018


Mask full.jpg

The performance system I am developing is part of continued research in creating an audio/visual experience using spatialized field recordings, the voice, sensors, video, and software. In its current iteration, I plan to work with water and conductive tape using proximity sensing to control real-time changes to video content. For the audio, I plan to use a series of natural and machine-made sounds alongside some other more musical component. I also plan to continue working with a performance mask that I created for 250A last quarter.

Goal: To create a ritualistic performance system using spacialized audio signals and real-time video manipulation. Ritualistic performance system to consist of water-based video controller and gestural audio looper and controller.

WK1 -- Brainstorming + Testing

Water sensor to control visual content
Mask to control aural content
Performance Site -- Listening Room
Okay to burn / use scents?
Dry Ice?
Max capacity in Listening Room?

To do:

Bare Conductive Touch Board + Water Sensor Testing in Max 
Arduino code + upload to Touch Board
Max MSP/Jitter + Touch Board testing
Add water sensor input to video mixer patch
Collect Field Recordings
   Fire / Machines / Energy Facility / Electrical Drone Sounds

WK2 -- Testing + Collection

Water Sensor Testing in Max MSP/Jitter [1]

Bare conductive.jpg

I managed to get data into Max from the Bare Conductive micro-controller. After a few minutes the microcontroller seems to get overloaded and freezes. If I reload the Arduino code onto the board data starts to work in Max temporarily. This issue seems fairly consistent. My laptop also seems to be having trouble processing video and receiving data at the same time. The latency of sensor data into Max is painfully slow while video is running. Sensor response is proficient with no video processing.

I will need a new laptop. This is not a surprise.


Keywords in Sound, Chapter 15, Resonance, by Veit Erlmann 
Keywords in Sound, Chapter 17, Space, by Andrew J. Eisenberg 
The Soundscape: Our Sonic Environment & the Tuning of the World, 
by R. Murray Schaffer, Chapter 12, Symbolism

To do:

Research options for new laptop (2015 Macbook Pro) + Stanford support
Mask controller into Max MSP/Jitter
    Build simple looper w/ adc
    Test Teensy + MIDI
Edit field recordings 
Collect more field recordings

WK3 -- More Testing + Collecting

Simple Audio Looper Interface for Testing | Max MSP/Jitter --

Audio interface.jpg

Audio interface guts.jpg