Licia Mari

Licia Mari has been teaching at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, in Brescia, since the a.y. 1999-2000. In 2015, she became a Lecturer for the course “Fondamenti della Comunicazione Musicale” at the Faculty of “Scienze della Formazione Primaria”

In her research, she has mostly focused on music in Mantua between the XVI and the XVII century and on the palatine basilica of S. Barbara. However, she also tackled themes related to the following centuries and even to contemporary Italian music.

She is part of the Scientific Committee for the musical project “Gaude Barbara Beata”, in the palatine basilica (; since 1999, she has cooperated with project Herla (database on theatrical and musical performances sponsored by the Gonzagas, 1480-1630; she is also vice-director of Diocesan Historical Archives of Mantua. She is member of the Scientific Committee for the series “Lezioni di Musicologia” ( She has a long experience as a conductor, form 1986 to present day: for the Cappella Musicale delle Cattedrali di Mantova, and for the vocal ensemble Lusit Orpheus.

Her articles have appeared in the conference proceedings of the Antiquae Musicae Italicae Studiosi (AMIS) – Como (Barocco Padano) from 1999 to 2014, in «Music in Art» (2008 and 2012), in «Early Music» (con J. Kurtzman), in The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians; in the Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani by Treccani; in RIdM, 2016 ;in FMI, 2015; in Philomusica online, 2018 (The music of Claudio Monteverdi in the Basilica of Sant’Andrea in Mantua: new research); in a book in honour of Prof. P. Pozniak (Univ. of Cracovia, 2009); in several conference proceedings (the last in 2020, other in press)

She published the critical edition of Messe a otto voci (1612) di Stefano and of Mottetti a una, due, tre e quattro voci […] raccolti da Federico Malgarini (1618), ed. LIM, 2009 and 2016.

In 2016, she took part in the 17th International Conference on Baroque Music, Canterbury University; in 2017 she held a seminar on Claudio Monteverdi and Mantua at the “Tchaikovsky” Conservatory in Moscow. In 2018 she took part in a round table, in Mantua, for the 18th International Conference on Baroque Music.