Braxton Boren is Assistant Professor of Audio Technology at American University, where he joined the faculty in Fall 2017. He received a BA in Music Technology from Northwestern University, where he was the valedictorian of the Bienen School of Music in 2008. He was awarded a Gates Cambridge Scholarship to attend the University of Cambridge to research computational acoustic simulation, where he earned his MPhil in Physics in 2010. He completed his Ph.D. in Music Technology at MARL, the Music and Audio Research Laboratory at New York University in 2014. He worked as a postdoctoral researcher working in spatial audio over headphones at Princeton University's 3D Audio and Applied Acoustics Laboratory from 2014-2016. Braxton's research, funded by the NEH and NSF, focuses on using acoustic simulation techniques to allow musicians to listen, perform, and record in virtual spaces that no longer exist.