The Catgut Acoustical Society Library

File #:R1652

Name:Raman, C V


See also:

General Information:

The early work of C V Raman, Nobel laureate in physics, 1930, included significant work in musical

acoustics, primarily on the physics of the bowed string. His interests later shifted to optics. Detailed

biographical data is to be found in file 101. Although contact with him began initially with F A Saunders,

this correspondence file (102) begins in 1963 with J C Schelling's attempts to locate Raman's significant

paper on the Mechanical Theory of Vibrations of Bowed Strings ... (included in 103). In 1968 CMH

offered Raman an honorary membership in the CAS. His gracious acceptance will be found in the

correspondence file (102). Locating his papers proved to be a fairly difficult task as the correspondence

indicates; since those days, his collected works have been edited by B S Ramakrishna and published by

the Indian Academy of Sciences. See the Technical Summary for the reference.

File Contents:


Miscellaneous: Obits: NY Times, J of Optical Soc of America & A H Benade for CASNL #15

Biogs: Brochure from centenary tribute & drafts by CMH. Book Reviews: (1) `The Raman Effect.

Vol 1 Principles' by Anthony Anderson from Physics Today, Dec 1972; (2) `Journey into Light: Life

and Science of C V Raman' by G Venkataraman from Physics Today, Dec,1989. Quotation: from

`Chandra', a biography of Raman's nephew by Kameshwar C Wali.

Key Words:


Correspondence: (1963-1995) involving Raman, J C Schelling, CMH, Martin Benade, D Haines &

others in India on subjects of search for and permission to reprint papers of Raman, and honorary

membership in the CAS for Raman. Subsequent to his death in 1970 the correspondence between

CMH, Edward Carterette, D K Pathak and B S Ramakrishna deals with the celebration of his birth

centenary in Bangalore, and the publication of his collected works.

Key Words:


Technical: Table of contents for collected works of C V Raman; Copies of 7 papers; 2 bulletins from

the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science. See Tecnical Summary for titles.

Key Words:Bowed string; mechanical bowing.


Technical: Papers by others stemming from Raman's work: 5 papers by Kar, Dutta, Ghosh, Bagchi

extracted from Indian J of Physics. 1 paper by Caterette written for Raman' centenary. See

Technical summary for titles.

Key Words:Bowed string, Raman & music perception

Last modified: 27 June 1998