The Catgut Acoustical Society Library |
File #: | R1652 |
Name: | Raman, C V |
Dates: | 1888-1970 |
See also: |
General Information: |
The early work of C V Raman, Nobel laureate in physics, 1930, included significant work in musical |
acoustics, primarily on the physics of the bowed string. His interests later shifted to optics. Detailed |
biographical data is to be found in file 101. Although contact with him began initially with F A Saunders, |
this correspondence file (102) begins in 1963 with J C Schelling's attempts to locate Raman's significant |
paper on the Mechanical Theory of Vibrations of Bowed Strings ... (included in 103). In 1968 CMH |
offered Raman an honorary membership in the CAS. His gracious acceptance will be found in the |
correspondence file (102). Locating his papers proved to be a fairly difficult task as the correspondence |
indicates; since those days, his collected works have been edited by B S Ramakrishna and published by |
the Indian Academy of Sciences. See the Technical Summary for the reference. |
File Contents: |
R1652 | -- | 101 |
Miscellaneous: Obits: NY Times, J of Optical Soc of America & A H Benade for CASNL #15 |
Biogs: Brochure from centenary tribute & drafts by CMH. Book Reviews: (1) `The Raman Effect. |
Vol 1 Principles' by Anthony Anderson from Physics Today, Dec 1972; (2) `Journey into Light: Life |
and Science of C V Raman' by G Venkataraman from Physics Today, Dec,1989. Quotation: from |
`Chandra', a biography of Raman's nephew by Kameshwar C Wali. |
Key Words: |
R1652 | -- | 102 |
Correspondence: (1963-1995) involving Raman, J C Schelling, CMH, Martin Benade, D Haines & |
others in India on subjects of search for and permission to reprint papers of Raman, and honorary |
membership in the CAS for Raman. Subsequent to his death in 1970 the correspondence between |
CMH, Edward Carterette, D K Pathak and B S Ramakrishna deals with the celebration of his birth |
centenary in Bangalore, and the publication of his collected works. |
Key Words: |
R1652 | -- | 103 |
Technical: Table of contents for collected works of C V Raman; Copies of 7 papers; 2 bulletins from |
the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science. See Tecnical Summary for titles. |
Key Words: | Bowed string; mechanical bowing. |
R1652 | -- | 104 |
Technical: Papers by others stemming from Raman's work: 5 papers by Kar, Dutta, Ghosh, Bagchi |
extracted from Indian J of Physics. 1 paper by Caterette written for Raman' centenary. See |
Technical summary for titles. |
Key Words: | Bowed string, Raman & music perception |
Last modified: 27 June 1998