The Catgut Acoustical Society Library

File #:D8690

Name:Duhamel, Jean Marie Constant


See also:

General Information:

A mathematician known to students of calculus and of heat who published a paper on the bowed string

in which he recognized the need to consider two parts of a period of vibration, sticking and slipping. He

derided the idea that the vibrations of the bowed string are caused by the plucking action of barbs on the

bow hair -- a concept that still plagues us. He failed to understand a fact later recognized by Helmholtz

that wave propagation along the string is not instantaneous, but occurs with finite velocity, thus freeing

the string from the bow not as a result of increase in stress between the two, but because the sharp kink

in the string has suddenly returned after reflection from the nut.

File Contents:


Tech paper (1) in French and translation of his 1841 memoire on the action of the bow on the string

abstract. See Tech Summary. Miscellaneous: Entry from Dictionary of Scientific Biography 1971.

Key Words:Bowed string | Stick/slip action


Technical paper (1) in French and translation of his 1841 memoire on the action of the bow on the

string + abstract. See Tech Summary. Miscellaneous: Entry from Dictionary of Scientific Biography


Key Words:Bowed string | Stick/slip action

Last modified: 27 June 1998