The Catgut Acoustical Society Library |
File #: | C9160 |
Name: | Cremer, Lothar |
Dates: | 1905-1990 |
See also: | M6130 - Meyer, Erwin; M9585 - Mueller, Helmut; L4312 - Lazarus, Hans; R3720 - |
Reinicke, F L Walter |
General Information: |
CMH first met Professor Cremer, one of the most important acousticians of this century in Germany, |
when he lectured at MIT. He was pleased to find violin acoustics being studied in the US and |
subsequently invited her to lecture at the Heinrich Hertz Institute in Berlin, of which he was Director. |
She was finally able to accept this invitation in 1971 in conjunction with her trip to the ICA Meeting in |
Budapest. Over the years there developed a close friendship and an active correspondence sharing |
technical information ensued. CMH was instrumental in his receiving the ASA Gold Medal. The high |
regard in which he was held will be evident from the biographical detail found in the Miscellaneous |
section (102) of this file, and the significance of his contribution to acoustics may be assessed from the |
number of awards he received and from the extent of the obituary material to be found there. His |
published output is vast - over 100 papers and several books. A few of the many are contained in |
sections 103 & 104. See the Technical Summary. |
File Contents: |
C9160 | -- | 101 |
Correspondence: (1970-1990) principally between Cremer and CMH. Other correspondents include R |
E Fryxell and S Hirzel Verlag, son, Andreas Cremer and the editorial staff of CAS. |
Key Words: |
C9160 | -- | 102 |
Miscellaneous: Obituaries and drafts by CMH and Dan Martin - info supplied by Helmut Muller - cv |
supplied by Elaine Moran of ASA. Notification of death from son. Award booklets and notices: ASA |
Gold Medal 1989, ASA Sabine award 1974, ASME award, AES award; program for 80th birthday |
colloquium, and Book ads. |
Key Words: |
C9160 | -- | 103 |
Technical: 11 papers from 1968-1990 - 1 of them in the original typescript, 1 of them with lengthy |
English abstract by Cremer in manuscript and typescript and accompanied by note from J C Schelleng |
to CMH; a translation of a paper intended for the CASJ, a translation of a tech paragraph, and a |
paper on function of the bridge by P. Zimmerman, with credit to Cremer. See Technical Summary. |
Key Words: | bow pressure; eigenmodes of violin; holographic inferometry |
C9160 | -- | 104 |
Technical: Book - Physik der Geige with review by G. Weinreich and review of English translation |
(The Physics of the Violin) MIT Press by Donald E Hall fro Am J of Physics 1988. |
Key Words: | bowing, violin body vibrations, sound radiation. |
Last modified: 27 June 1998