The Catgut Acoustical Society Library

File #:C9160

Name:Cremer, Lothar


See also:M6130 - Meyer, Erwin; M9585 - Mueller, Helmut; L4312 - Lazarus, Hans; R3720 -

Reinicke, F L Walter

General Information:

CMH first met Professor Cremer, one of the most important acousticians of this century in Germany,

when he lectured at MIT. He was pleased to find violin acoustics being studied in the US and

subsequently invited her to lecture at the Heinrich Hertz Institute in Berlin, of which he was Director.

She was finally able to accept this invitation in 1971 in conjunction with her trip to the ICA Meeting in

Budapest. Over the years there developed a close friendship and an active correspondence sharing

technical information ensued. CMH was instrumental in his receiving the ASA Gold Medal. The high

regard in which he was held will be evident from the biographical detail found in the Miscellaneous

section (102) of this file, and the significance of his contribution to acoustics may be assessed from the

number of awards he received and from the extent of the obituary material to be found there. His

published output is vast - over 100 papers and several books. A few of the many are contained in

sections 103 & 104. See the Technical Summary.

File Contents:


Correspondence: (1970-1990) principally between Cremer and CMH. Other correspondents include R

E Fryxell and S Hirzel Verlag, son, Andreas Cremer and the editorial staff of CAS.

Key Words:


Miscellaneous: Obituaries and drafts by CMH and Dan Martin - info supplied by Helmut Muller - cv

supplied by Elaine Moran of ASA. Notification of death from son. Award booklets and notices: ASA

Gold Medal 1989, ASA Sabine award 1974, ASME award, AES award; program for 80th birthday

colloquium, and Book ads.

Key Words:


Technical: 11 papers from 1968-1990 - 1 of them in the original typescript, 1 of them with lengthy

English abstract by Cremer in manuscript and typescript and accompanied by note from J C Schelleng

to CMH; a translation of a paper intended for the CASJ, a translation of a tech paragraph, and a

paper on function of the bridge by P. Zimmerman, with credit to Cremer. See Technical Summary.

Key Words:bow pressure; eigenmodes of violin; holographic inferometry


Technical: Book - Physik der Geige with review by G. Weinreich and review of English translation

(The Physics of the Violin) MIT Press by Donald E Hall fro Am J of Physics 1988.

Key Words:bowing, violin body vibrations, sound radiation.

Last modified: 27 June 1998