The Catgut Acoustical Society Library

File #:B6325

Name:Bladier, Benjamin


See also:

General Information:

Author of numerous works in electrophysiology, the acoustics of music and musical instruments,

architectural acoustics, and the study of complex sounds. He holds the Diplome d'Etudes Superieures

des Sciences Physiques, and was for many years Chef de Service du Laboratoire d'Acoustique des

salles du Centre des Recherches Physiques a Marseille. Three of his papers on the bowed string and the

bridge of the cello are in Benchmark Vols. 5 and 6.

File Contents:


Correspondence: 1972-1975 with CMH; Biography: Biography draft by CMH; Technical: 6 papers out

of 10 in Tech Summary - all in French, 1 translation.

Key Words:Cello | Vibrating strings


Correspondence: 1972 - 1975 with CMH; Biog: Bio draft by CMH; Technical: 6 papers out of 10 in

Tech Summary - all in French, 1 translation.

Key Words:Cello | Vibrating strings

Last modified: 27 June 1998