The Catgut Acoustical Society Library

File #:A5120

Name:American Society for the Advancement of Violin Making


See also:V7988 - VSA

General Information:

The idea for this society came from Dr Albert Kaplan, a retired psychologist, who had contacted a group

of his friends, including Mr Sidney Fox, an engineer with Bethlehem Steel and an avid chamber music

player. It is reported that their initial meeting was in the shop of William Moennig & Son. Fox, who had

purchased one of Hutchins violas, wrote to her in 1971 at the Catgut Acoustical Society suggesting that

we meet with Kaplan to discuss the need for such a society. This meeting at 112 Essex Avenue resulted

in Fox and Hutchins making a survey of the violin making schools in both the USA and abroad. Hutchins

felt that such a school should be connected with a broader education than just violin making as is the

case in both Cremona and Mittenwald. Kaplan wanted a separate school. After several more

discussions and efforts to locate possible sources of funds, Kaplan and his group decided to found the

American Society for the Advancement of Violin Making. The information in this file gives a brief

survey of this development and the subsequent change in name to the Violin Society of America.

File Contents:


Miscellaneous: ASAVM flyers; business cards and brochures of makers; list of makers; competition

announcements (one noting the change of name of ASAVM to Violin Society of America); Review

of Goodkind's book on Stradivari by Nick Stamon; 2 news bulletins (1975) of ASAVM.

Key Words:

Last modified: 27 June 1998