The Catgut Acoustical Society Library

File #:A5100

Name:American Association for the Advancement of Science


See also:S6165 - Sinclair, Rolf;

General Information:

Members of the CAS participated in several symposia on musical acoustics at the annual meetings, 1971

and 1975 particularly. The 1971 meeting was organized by A.H. Benade and included a demonstration

concert of the Octet instruments. The 1975 meeting was part of "Science for the Naked Eye" set up by

Rolf Sinclair (NSF), which included a demonstration of the Octet by William Berman, Chris and Michael

Finckel and Diana Gannett Mizelle with CMH talking. Walter Sullivan attended and gave us a fine write

up in the New York Times which would have resulted in a NOVA TV show except that we did not

have a full octet performance group available. CMH was elected to the Nominating Committee for

Physics B, and made a Fellow of the AAAS.

File Contents:


Correspondence: (1971-1975) primarily about the Dec. 1971 and Jan. 1975 AAAS meetings.

Correspondents include: A.H. Benade, William Berman, Norman Edge, Daniel W. Haines, CMH,

Rolf M. Sinclair, Raymond J. Seeger and W. Dixon Ward.

Key Words:


Miscellaneous: Dec. 1971 Meeting in Phildelphia. Program, notes, and handout. Session 1(A H

Benade): Acoustics of Orchestral Musical Instruments - draft of paper by CMH - "Violin Family

Instruments" Session 2(W Dixon Ward): Musical Perception - draft of paper by Boomsliter & Creel

- "Toward a Theory of Melody".

Key Words:


Miscellaneous: Jan. 1975 Meeting in NYC: programs of sessions, abstracts, illustrations, conference

brochures, full texts of papers, news clipping, and notes about instruments from the New Violin Family

to be taken to the meetings.

Key Words:


Correspondence: (1975-1981) between CMH and AAAS primarily with Rolf Sinclair regarding

Nominating Committee for Physics Section B. Also an invitation to speak at 1980 meeting in Chicago

(declined). Miscellaneous: Review in Science (1985) by CMH of "The Science of Musical Sound" by

J.R. Pierce.

Key Words:


Miscellaneous: Conference brochures, programs, and handouts, etc. 1977-1988.

Key Words:

Last modified: 27 June 1998