Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics
CCRMA Summer Workshops
Summer 2024 Workshops: CCRMA Summer Workshops Announced! There are a wide variety of offerings, some in person, some on line, and some hybrid. Have a look! More will be announced as they're organized, so check back with us frequently!
[Check out the schedule] [Register for workshops]
There will be opportunities for financial assistance for some workshops - check specific pages for more details.
Upcoming Events
Jin Woo Lee on "Differentiable Physical Modeling for Sound Synthesis: From Design to Inverse Problems"
Recent Events
Total variation in popular rap vocals from 2009-2023
Flo Menezes Concert
Flo Menezes' concert brings to the public the North American premiere of four of his acousmatic works, covering a period from 2008 to the present. His music is characterised by spectral, structural and spatial research, resulting in an immersive poetics that the composer defines as maximalist. In a broad panorama that ranges from the posthumous homage to Stockhausen shortly after his death – for whom Flo Menezes was Teaching Assistant on the Kürten Courses and about whom the composer is publishing a trilogy of almost 1000 pages of analyses by the publisher Routledge – to the recent composition made at the EMS in Stockholm, which mixes analogue sounds made on a historic Buchla with granular synthesis, we have a fairly faithful portrait of the diversity of his music.
Harmonicity and Inharmonicity in Instruments of the Percussion/Resonance Family in Interaction with Electronics
Robert L. White's Cochlear Implants - Repeat Seminar
This is a repeat of the May 31 seminar, for those wishing to join from another time zone. It will be online only and recorded. The recording is avaialble on YouTube at ths URL:
Past Live Streamed Events
Recent News
Jonathan Berger's "My Lai" In the News
"In My Lai, a monodrama for tenor, string quartet, and Vietnamese instruments, composer Jonathan Berger had countless tragic elements at his disposal... In this immersive performance, we had the sense that, rather than defaulting to the story's obvious tragic details, Berger illuminate a single, more subtle element - the outraged bewilderment we often feel in the face of unimaginable horror."
Issue 21 of the Csound Journal Released
This issue of the Csound Journal features an article written by MST student Paul Batchelor, which can be found here:
John Chowning Interview on RWM
Sonifying the world: How life's data becomes music
"Unlike sex or hunger, music doesn’t seem absolutely necessary to everyday survival – yet our musical self was forged deep in human history, in the crucible of evolution by the adaptive pressure of the natural world. That’s an insight that has inspired Chris Chafe, Director of Stanford University’s Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (or CCRMA, stylishly pronounced karma).