Using Prosper for Presentations

You can use the LATEXprosper class to take advantage of the quality of LATEXformatting with colorful presentation styles that can be used to obtain high-quality PDF files. These files are web-friendly and can be displayed in full resolution quality, full-screen mode with a feeling much better than other point presentation packages on any computer using PDF readers or acroread (more at §9.22).

The prosper class was developed by Frédéric Goualard and it makes sense when you want to reuse some material of an article written in LATEXfor papers or slides. Here, you can find more examples and prosper documentation courtesy of the math department at the University of Colorado.

At ccrma prosper documentation can be found at file:////usr/share/doc/tetex-prosper-1.5

Following there is an example of a TEXfile for a presentation (which you can copy-and-paste to file to see results). Notice preamble and document class definitions.

        % process with these commands:
        % latex filename.tex
        % dvipdf filename.dvi
        \title{VictorBook of the Fourier Transform}
        \subtitle{A  Musician's Approach}
        \author{Juan Reyes}
        \institution{CCRMA\\Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics}
        \newcommand{\ejoT}{\ensuremath{e^{j\omega T}}}
        \begin{slide}{Fourier Series}
        Fourier series are defined as:
        \[ f_{per}(\omega_0t) = a_0 + \sum_{m=1}^{\infty} b_m\cos(2\pi
        m\omega_0t) + c_m \sin(2\pi m \omega_0t) \]
        \item where $a_0,$ is the D.C. component and 
        \item where the coefficients $b_m,$ and $c_m,$ represent
          magnitudes of sine and cosine components for each frequency
          $\omega_0t,$ respectively. 
        \begin{slide}[Dissolve]{Fourier Transforms}
          \item By using Euler's identity and in terms of sines
            and cosines the Fourier Transform is defined as:
            \[S(\omega_0) = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} s(t)
            [\cos(2\pi\omega_0t) + j\sin(2\pi\omega_0t)] \ ,dt., \]
          \item The Inverse Fourier Transform is defined as:
            \[s(t) = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty}  S(\omega_0)
            [\cos(2\pi\omega_0t) + j\sin(2\pi\omega_0t)] \ ,dt., \]
        The \emph{ IDFT} in terms of its angular frequency $\omega,$
        is defined as: 
        \[ y(n) \defined \frac{1}{N} \sum_{n=0}^{N-1} Y(k) e^{j\omega_k n},
        k=0,1,2,..., N-1  \]
        where $y(n) \leftrightarrow Y(k),$ conform a pair of transforms.
        The term $k,$ is the frequency index and  $n,$ is the time index.
Once you have your TEXfile to make a presentation using theprosper class, type these commands to compile and process the postscript files:

         latex filename.tex       

         dvipdf filename.dvi       

You can use acroread for your presentation:

         acroread filename.pdf &       

© Copyright 2001-2022 CCRMA, Stanford University. All rights reserved.
Created and Mantained by Juan Reyes