
AbiWord A lightweight word processor, can import most formats. Abiword's features include it's " look & feel ", the ability to format pages and paragraphs, a spell checker, an interactive rule, the integration of styles, the unlimited capacity to undo/redo , a find and replace function and the image insertion. It is also able to import documents from Microsoft Word 97 and rtf (Rich Text Format) and to save documents using Internet HTML format.

A document saved under AbiWord has an extension by default of * abw and is written in XML and thus in ASCII format. These files can then be read by any text editor but that does not mean that AbiWord is a XML editor.

AbiWord might be open through the gnome menu (footprint) –> programs –> Applications –> AbiWord or you might simply type the command:

          AbiWord &       
on the shell.

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Created and Mantained by Juan Reyes