Step One
Check your settings!
Make sure your computer is configured for DHCP in its TCP/IP settings.
Here are some examples for MacOS 8 & 9, Windows 98 & ME, and Windows 2000

Step Two
Plug in to the Guest Network.
Plug your machine into one of the blue cables which leads to a Guestnet hub.
Or, make sure your wireless card is installed.

Step Three
Reboot your machine so that it can start with CCRMA settings.

Step Four
Follow the instructions on the CCRMA registration page to register your machine.
Any URL will be redirected to the registration page.

Step Five
Get Approval
See a CCRMA system administrator to have your registration approved.
Once your machine is approved, it will continue to work whenever it's connected to the guestnet.
Helpful Sysadmin

Step Six
Reboot Again

Reboot Again

Your system is now connected!

If you still see the CCRMA registration page, hold SHIFT while you click Reload or Refresh in your browser.