
Saturday, February 22

10 AM William Beeman - Music and Altered Cognitive States

11 AM Bissera Pentcheva - The In-Between (Metaxu): Cosmic Sound, Sacred Space, and Human Consciousness in Hagia Sophia 

12 PM Lunch

1:00 PM Piano music by Olivier Messiaen, Kevin Chen and Ian Zalles

1:30 PM Petr Janata - In Search of neural correlates of spiritual experiences with music

2:30 PM Norman Adler and Harry Ballan - Music, Models, and the Neural Mind:  Approaching a Modern Synthesis? 

3:30 PM Cliford Saron - Training the mind, opening the heart

4:30 PM Tanya Luhrmann - Transcendence is Local

5:30 PM Ricardo Rosenkranz - Mastering two worlds: The architecture of belief in magic and medicine.

6:15 PM Dinner break

7:30: PM Concert: Music from Tibet (8PM Bing Concert Hall) (tickets required) 

Sunday, February 23 - Special workshop!

10 AM - 12  Tuning your instrument: The Budha, the Brain, and Bach

12 PM - 1    Magical performance: Emanations: An hour of belief and possibilities. Ricardo Rosenkranz

Festive Lunch 1-2PM

© Jonathan Berger 2014