Monday, May 24 , 8 PM
Dinkelpiel Auditorium
Stanford University
Admission Free
complete program information and bios
On May 24th, Stanford's Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA) will present a unique program of new works for dance, which were commissioned by the Rockefeller Foundation and the Centro Nacional de Bellas Artes in Mexico. The works premiered in Mexico City last May, and have since toured in Mexico and the East Coast of the US. The premier performance received substantial attention in Mexico City and was televised nationally.
Created for the Mexican dancer Raul Parrao, the works use the dancer's movements to generate the accompanying music and computer graphics. The computer-generated and -processed sound is complimented by piano, flute, and clarinet. The commissioned composers include Roberto Morales, Roger Dannenberg, and Jonathan Berger. The concert on the 24th will also feature new works by CCRMA composers, including a work by Kristofer Bergstrom for Taiko drums and computer , and works by Bob Sturm, Matthew Burtner and Christopher Burns.
This concert is made possible with generous support from the Dean of Humanities and Sciences. the Department of Music, the Center for Latin American Studies, Ascension Technology, and SGI.
The concert is free and open to the public.
For more information please call (650) 723 3811