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Thursday, September 28th, 2000, 8 pm

Chris Brown, improvisations with computer sampling and polyrhythm instruments

Chris Brown (b. 1953), composer, pianist, and electronic musician, creates music for acoustic instruments with interactive electronics, for computer networks, and for improvising ensembles. Recent recordings of his music include "LAVA", for brass percussion and electronics on Tzadik, "DUETS", interactive collaborations with instrument-builder Tom Nunn, William Winant, Ikue Mori, and Tom Djll on Artifact Recordings, and "HALL OF MIRRORS", with Room, which also includes William Winant, Larry Ochs, and Scot Gresham-Lancaster, on Music & Arts. His piano performances can be heard on "NEW MUSIC:PIANO COMPOSITIONS BY HENRY COWELL" on New Albion, Luc Ferrari's "CELLULE '75" on Tzadik, and on Rova's 1995 Live Recording of John Coltrane's Ascension, on Black Saint. He has also performed and recorded extensively with The Hub, and the Glenn Spearman Double Trio. His most recent music explores polyrhythm and includes "TALKING DRUM" for computer network ensemble, and a series of "INVENTIONS" computer networks with interactive performers. He has received commissions from the Berkeley Symphony, the Rova Saxophone Quartet, the Abel-Steinberg-Winant Trio, and the Gerbode Foundation. He also teaches Composition and Electronic Music at Mills College in Oakland, where he is Co-Director of the Center for Contemporary Music (CCM).

Matt Ingalls, clarinet improvisations with CLAIRE improviser software

Matt Ingalls is a clarinetist, composer, and computer music artist based in Oakland, California. Diverse in style, Matt's compositions are written for various sizes and combinations of acoustic instruments, voices, computer generated tape, and interactive electronics. His works have been recorded and performed in the United States and abroad, receiving many awards and recognitions including: 1st finalist in the 1994 Bourges electroacoustic puy (humor) competition; the 1996 ASCAP/SEAMUS commission and recording prize; New Langton Art's "1997 Bay Area Award" for musical performance and composition in the San Francisco Bay Area; and the 1998 A. H. Miller Award for excellence in musical composition. Matt's current major musical activity is improvisation, and he performs frequently in various solo, group, and electronic settings. He has performed at the Seattle Improvised Music Festival, the Opus415 New Music Marathon, the Monterey Rock and Art festival, the Big Sur Experimental Music Festival, and Oakland's East Bay Creative Music Festival, of which he is co-organizer.

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