Piano Phase Assignment (#1)

During last class we looked at an implementation of Steve Reich's "Piano Phase" in SuperCollider (or CLM or ChuCK). Expand this implemtation as follows:

  • Both pianos are starting at the same time. Change the code so that the second piano starts after a certain number of measures after the first piano (hint: see the help file of Ptpar).
  • In the class example, the implementation of the piece never ends (keeps playing forever). Change this so that the piece goes through only one cycle of phase changes and stops when both pianos get back in synch.
  • Change the length of the phasing process (ie: make it longer). In the class example phasing by one note happened over the duration of only one measure. Note that this does not mean changing the tempo of the piece, just making the transition last longer (two or three measures, for example).
  • For extra credit: add a global amplitude envelope to the notes that play during the time the pianos are changing phase to make the transition more interesting, for example add a triangular amplitude envelope to the piano that accelerates to accentuate the effect. This should be a global crescendo and decrescendo, not an envelope in the individual notes.

Date Due

The assignment is due on May 29 2008.