//--------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: centroid.ck // desc: fantastic audio features and where to extract them: // extracting spectral centroid; also demonstrates using // unit analyzers (UAna), connecting them using the // upchuck operator (=^), and getting results // // author: Ge Wang (https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~ge/) // date: Spring 2023 //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // synthesis / analysis network SinOsc foo => FFT fft =^ Centroid centroid => blackhole; // set sine frequency 440 => foo.freq; // set FFT size 1024 => fft.size; // set window type and size Windowing.hann(fft.size()) => fft.window; // our hop size (how often to perform analysis) (fft.size()/2)::samp => dur HOP; // compute srate second / samp => float srate; // let one FFT-size of time pass (to buffer) fft.size()::samp => now; // control loop while( true ) { //---------------------------------------------------------------- // upchuck() computes our centroid, automatically computing upstream // dependencies connected to it using =^ (e.g., FFT) //---------------------------------------------------------------- centroid.upchuck(); // get and print the output <<< "centroid (hz):", centroid.fval(0) * srate / 2 >>>; // advance time HOP => now; }