Reading Response #1 (Sample)
to Artful Design • Chapter 1: “Design Is ______”

Ryan A. | 2019.9.30
Music 256A / CS476a, Stanford University Fall 2019

Reading Response: Ends in Themselves

From this week's reading, I'd like to respond to Artful Design Principle 1.5, which states:
    Principle 1.5: Design is Means vs. Ends

—where means are “means to ends” (something that serves another purpose) and ends are “ends in themselves” (something worthwhile in itself).

The idea that some things are ends-in-themselves is pretty fascinating to me. Previously, I have normally just looked at designed things based on the needs that they fulfill, without much thought on why they themselves are fulfilling... [ETC ETC]

In addition to this, I find the idea from lecture...[ETC ETC]